Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Concern on environmental issues worldwide
Concern on purlieual issues valetwideThere has been a rising stir on environmental issues worldwide nowadays. Ministry of foreign affairs statistic shows that over the years, the temperature has been rise because of carbon dioxide trapped and parking lot house gases shake off affected the global climate. This permute volition affect the raft live all over the world. This also includes access to water, health, food and the healthful being of the environment. Todays consumers gravel started to recognize that their purchasing behaviors truly cause a big impact to the environment. Therefore, companies should practice offering environmentally friendly increases and service to nation to prevent this world become worse.Although, Malaysia has undergone an excellent nurture followed governmental efforts to attract foreign investor to come and invest for a green intersection point development in Malaysia, the action of environmental responsible behavior among Malayan consumers ar unsounded low.One of the examples of the lack of environmental responsible behavior is shown in an article in Bernama whereby garbage thrown by one of the deposit in Malaysia residents is the main cause of river pollution in the state. According to a survey which was handled on by global market insight and information group, solo 8% of Malayan respondents responded that they have changed their behavior in a greatest deal to avail the environment on the aspect of eco-friendliness of habits and behaviorsIn add-on 83% respondents reported that their views on a companys and their Colleges friendliness to the environment would influence them to purchases a green products and services.Studying the determinants of generation-Y consumers green purchase behavior will be in spades benefit green marketers. Generation-Y (also known as a millennial) is defined as A label attributed to people born during the 1980s and early 1990s. Members of Generation Y argon often referred to as echo boomers because they are the children of parents born during the baby boom (baby boomers). Because children born during this cartridge holder period have had constant access to applied science (computers, cell phones) in their y emergeh, they have required more employers to update their hiring strategy in hostelry to incorporate updated forms of technology. In a simple word, generation-Y grew up with a technology and relies on those things to perform their job and their task.In addition, when going through a literature review in Malaysian context, thither are still a gap existed between environmental knowledge, intention and behavior towards green product. Said et al. (2005). Even though people that have vast knowledge slightly green products are not necessarily would procure a green product.Therefore, factors those get word and affect Generation-Y to purchase a green product would be worth to chance out.1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE RESEARCHEnvironment is defined as what surround s a thing or an item or in other words it means the surrounding. It could be a physical element which is physical environment, that includes the built environment, natural environment such as air, water, land, atmosphere and etc or it could be kind environment where people surrounding the item or thing which also known as the social environment. Today environment is getting worst and worst. Many environmental issues arise. environmental concerns have been growing in recent years. One of the examples of environmental issue is global warming. Global warming and climate change refer to an increase in middling global temperatures. Natural events and human activities such as burning garbage and waste are believed to be contributing to an increase in average global temperatures. This is caused primarily by increases in greenhouse gases such as Carbon Dioxide. The greenhouse effect keeps the earth warm when executeing normally. For the first time in history, human activities are alterin g the climate of our entire planet. According to (Jack, 2010), in less than 2 centuries, humans have increased the total step of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by 25% from the burning of fossil fuels and the destruction of forests. In addition to the natural fluxes of carbon through the Earth system, human activities, particularly fossil fuel burning and deforestation, are also releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere (The Carbon Cycle the Human Role, Earth Observatory, NASA).Green product is define as a product that win limited carbon footprints they whitethorn require fewer resources to produce, consume less energy or divulge fewer hazardous emissions.Green product is also a product that is non toxic, water-efficient, and also recyclable and biodegradable. There are many green products that have been produce for people in the market. For example, a household cleaner. Nowadays its nearly impossible to go shopping without finding a plethora of products that claim to be envi ronmentally and consumer friendly. Oddly enough, many cheap and eco-friendly substances, such as vinegar, have been used for years as home cleaners. Whether you buy a green cleaning product at a store or use something on hand in your pantry, you can reap the benefits of choosing products that are gentler on you and the environment. Phosphate-free dishwasher and laundry detergents are also consider a green product because they do not discharge environment-damaging phosphates into waterways. Other examples of green cleaning products are those labeled certified biodegradable these have passed several(prenominal) stringent tests relating to biodegradability and environmental impact conducted by an independent certifying agency. According to Consumer Reports, the certified biodegradable label is more meaningful than a normal biodegradable label. Glass and metal cleaners, kitchen and bathroom cleaners, and laundry detergents are products that might carry this label.The rationale for goin g green is deucefold. Clearly, the positive effects on the environment are a key driver for purchasing green product.Green product provides myriad environmental benefits. They can replace toxic materials that may be harmful to people or animals. Also, some products save energy and water, while others limit solid waste and manufacturing releases. Green products create a healthier environment for people through reduced exposure to cleaners, solvents, paints and other hazardous substances. Green product also can reduce allergies. Many families find that their children are harm from allergies, even though their family history does not necessary say that there are no allergies. In some situations, chemicals found within cleaning products command allergens. Bleaches, toxic cleaning sprays and other chemicals used to clean the home commonly contain a variety of ingredients specifically able to cause or innovation allergies in people.Generation Y are the cool generation, they embrace bra nd and live in the new world of digitize communication. Thus that might be interesting to find their perception and their level of sensory faculty towards environmental issues that the world is facing nowadays. Gen Y has grown up in a rattling structure, engage and over planned world. Also, Gen Y is made up of confident, optimistic young people who feel valued and wanted. In a article of science daily, Gen-Y is a people that will go all the way when it comes to saving the environment as long as it benefit to world economic and environment. They are maturing into a pragmatic generation that wants to do the right thing for the environment but also has real economic concerns1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENTConsumers or practically customers are the sellers and buyers that boost the countrys economy. Therefore, many firms are actually putting many efforts in order to attract more customers because these customers create businesses opportunities and generate profits to them. As the world nowadays facing so many problems regarding to an environmental issue, the consumers and their attitudes or behaviors to purchase a green product are the important factors to be considered. Consumers nowadays have more choices due to the effects of globalization. They will prefer the function of the product rather than the brand or whatsoever to ensure a healthier future.To determine the current level of Gen-y consumers preference towards the green products.To determine what are the determinants or factors of Gen-y consumer preferences towards the green product.To determine the consequences or effects of Gen-y consumer preferences towards the green product.To determine consumer level of sentience of Gen-y consumer towards green product.1.3 RESEARCH OBJECTIVEAwareness towards environmental issue that the world nowadays facing play a major role encourage people to purchase a green product. Thus, this test is attempts to relate on the mixed changeables that influence consumer especially gene ration-Y to purchase a green product. The objectives are as the by-line* To study the factors affecting the consumer especially Gen-Y to purchase green product.Gen-y is a new generation and It is crucial to understand as they are more advance and modernize. Thus, several researches have been conducted in order to understand consumers in a way that how they behave, and what are the factors that cause them to behave or react to the responses of the products. Leading factors such as price and quality are always the top concerns to the consumers. Product attributes will moderate the effects of price on quality judgments. Partial of the consumers may counseling on buying low prices goods and neglect the quality of the products. This group of consumers takes the price as a measure of sacrifice. For instance, consumers take the price served as the benchmark for comparing utility gains from the quality of the product. One the other hand, some portion of the consumers will be willing to p ay a premium price for the quality and function of the products, as they are very sensitive to the signals of the quality of one product. Thus, it is hope that this study will contribute further to the understanding of factors of price and quality that may lead to the consumers prefer for a green product* To understand the awareness level of people about Go Green campaign.Nowadays, there are many environmental campaign have been organized by a government and private sector. This campaign is aim to encourage people to more concern about the environment. Thus, it is hope that this study will explore how people react to a environmental campaign and what is their level of awareness about the awareness campaign.* To examine the benefit for people involvement in Go Green program.We might be asking, how we will benefit from getting involved in this environmental campaign. Well, recently there has been an increase in events directly related to the availability of natural resources. For exam ple energy shortages that resulted to load shedding, change in weather patterns and water shortages. As a result, civil society is recognizing the need to manage our natural resources more effectively and responsibly. In doing so, we can ensure positive effects on our health, quality of animation and even the cost of living. Thus, this study will supporter people to getting known more about what they will gain if they participate in the environmental campaign.*To discover what consumer perception towards green product.In curiosity to identify what are the main components or criteria that consumer especially gen-Y are looking forward in order to purchase a green product. It is true that each and every one of us are special and unique in the way we are, thus, every consumer has their very own perception in purchasing a green product. Different people from different backgrounds may have different perceptions on these products. In addition to that, different demographic groups may hav e different perceptions to this kind of product as well. Thus, this study will help to identify whether the consumer especially gen-y prefer to buy a green product or not to safe a mother of earth.1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDYThis study is crucial as there are a lot of green products have been selling nowadays. Obviously, when we talk about green product, the price for that particular item might be so expensive. The study on factors affecting consumer especially Gen-Y buying a green product may allow us to know in depth why are previous efforts taken does not produce as it is thought it would be. Based on the study conducted, motivations towards the environment, knowledge on green product, social norm, awareness and self-image have an impact on the consumer especially Gen-Y buying a green product. Government may need to enhance its program in educating people green product. pertly and more interesting Go Green program and method is a definite necessity in motivating people to increase their interest/awareness on a green product and indirectly motivates them to purchase it.1.5 SCOPE OF STUDYThe research focus on students in Multimedia University (MMU) Melaka campus and teenagers from outside the campus which comes from various demographic backgrounds such as the faculty, ethnicity and nationality. The focused respondents are a great resemblance on the exact population in Malaysia.1.6 ORGANIZATIONAL OF RESEARCH1.6.1 Chapter 1 IntroductionRegarding this chapter, it introduce the background of this research such as why do people as a consumer buy a green product. Thus, this will create a strong preference among the gen-y consumers locally and abroad to consume and purchase green products. These sections will explain in details in the of consumers preferences from the Malaysian perspective and as well from the global view for green products. This chapter also recognized the problem statement and the research objectives for this research. Finally, the justification of the research will help to justify the benefits and those who will gain in this research.Chapter 2 Literature ReviewA thorough study will be conducted on the dependent covariant and independent variables. The main purpose for this chapter is to weigh the pros and cons of the topic and to discuss in details on the ideas and knowledge concerned. In this chapter, every definition of the dependent variable and independent variables will be cited from the journals in order to strengthen every point mentioned. Several of arguments and various points of views from different authors in order to provide a stronger formation of each point can be founded in this chapter. In addition to that, this chapter explains the relationships on several independent variables relate to the dependent variables.1.6.2 Chapter 3 explore MethodologyResearch methodology is usually conducted after the thorough study of literature review. In this chapter, theoretical framework will be form to garnish the relat ionships between the dependent variable and the independent variables. Hypotheses or a proposed explanation which were made on the basis of limited evidences will explain the relationships between two or more variables. All the hypotheses stated will be tested together with empirical data. This chapter also includes the description of the sampling data, data collections and as well as the development of the questionnaire for this research.Chapter 4 Data AnalysisAfter questionnaires are collected from all the respondents, then few tests will be conducted to test on the validity and reliability of the results. The responds of the questionnaires from the respondents are represented by a set of numbers that symbolize their own significant meanings. Whereas the tests that will be carry out are to analyze the responses from the respondents so that it will derive to a stronger conclusion at the end of this research.Chapter 5 ConclusionThis chapter will provide the final take of this res earch. Thus, the final results will be explained and we will be able to identify how the exact hypotheses that formed earlier are hold.
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